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Log for the week of April 16, 2003, 06d12s/27d51w, 420 miles ESE from the NE tip of Brazil via Inmarsat-C by APW Fourteenth day at sea. After the fourth time the Inmarsat alarm went off -for seemingly trivial "emergencies", (fog off Brazil, 3m waves, or tugs towing barges), I sleepily turned on the computer to find out what the latest "emergency" was. My heart sank when I realized it was to report a missing Spanish yacht "Islero" -our very good friend Isidoro, or Isi, singlehander from Andalucia. Instantly Phil and I thought the worst. There have been no storms -in fact this has been the best ocean we've ever crossed. The benign conditions are what cause more problems as sailors become less vigilant. His last reported position was 1000 miles to windward from us. The fastest route back to his spot would be four weeks. Too late to do any good. We just have to keep our fingers crossed that lightning has knocked out his electronics and he will appear in the Canary Islands on April 15. In the meantime, Phil got on all the radio nets and reported the news so the flotilla of yachts coming up from Capetown could keep a lookout. On a lighter note, Iwalani has become an evening roost for sooty noddies and other pelagics. We also have a tuna named "Bill" -a marathon swimmer who has been panting along side us from St. Helena. He has not slept in 14 days and watching him makes us feel even more out of shape. Fishing has become an ethical dilema, so we've been eating pizza, falafels, pesto from the "garden" and beans and rice. No More bananas. APW Log for the week of April 20, 2003 02d50'N/39d49'w1343 miles SE of Tobago,via inmarsat-C APW Phil's satelite antenna has
allowed us to duck around the convection in the ITCZ, or
doldrums. This meeting of the se trades with the ne trades keeps
sproinging around like a trampoline. Finally into the Northern
hemisphere where Northerly winds are cold, otherwise not much
appreciated as they are head winds. Battling contrary currents
with Herb Hilgenberg's radio guidance. Time left for Caribbean
getting shorter, daily paring down list of islands to visit. No
word of Isi. P3 Orion sent out but no luck. Another singlehander
from the Netherlands who left Capetown around the same time is
also missing. Bad news also from Enkosini in South Africa and the
fight to save the eight lions -read the whole story at
enkosini.com click on news at the bottom. Otherwise life stuck on
this interminable bus trip goes well- my South African protea is
flowering while struggling to survive the salt spray. Veggies in
short supply but trading coup at Fernando netted many good
books. No fish, but lots of trash floating by to look at and
speculate over. APW
Log for the week of April 27,2003 10 28n52 59w 500nm SE of Martinique by PS via Inmarsat-C Passage making is taking it's toll on us. I should say Amy and I. Iwalani seems quite happy, swishing her way through the water. Of course she was built for this. I'll try to paint the picture. Imagine you are on a bus. Just you and your partner. Put the bus on a tilt-a-whirl ride from a carnival. Your view is limited to three miles of only water and sky. Nothing else. I mean nothing. You must alternate 4hrs sleep with 4hrs on watch, looking for trucks that might cut you in two. Once in a while you may have to pull on some ropes, day or night, rain or shine. The tilt-a-whirl varies from being able to pour water into a glass that's sitting on the counter, to having to strap yourself in and hold the glass with one hand and pour with the other, while you try to remain upright. The highlight of your day becomes a favorite meal, book or something as simple as watching a fish swimming alongside. This goes on, day in day out, for weeks at a time. You CAN NOT stop the bus and take a cab home. I am not wingeing. I am telling it like it is. I only wish the Internet logs I read would have said the same. I might have been better prepared. Of course there is the end of the passage. Martinique. French food and a real anchorage. Now that's more like it. PS |